The impact of government digital transformation programs.
In this study I explore the link between government digital transformation programs and government effectiveness. The results reveal a positive correlation and highlight the role of economic prosperity in improving government effectiveness.
Evaluating the digital experience of Portugal's Social Security system
In this essay, I outline the research design for a study evaluating the digital experience of Portugal's Social Security system. This includes a comprehensive explanation of the procedures for data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
Do mixed-methods work?
In this essay, I analyse three distinct studies that employ both qualitative and quantitative research methods to explore the opportunities and challenges associated with integrating these methods within a single study.
People’s attitudes towards technology developments.
In this study I use bivariate methods (e.g. correlation analysis) and multivariate methods (e.g. linear regression analysis) to investigate the degree to which demographic and attitudinal factors predict people’s attitudes towards technology developments.