Hello ? I’m Pedro, a Lead UX & Service Design Consultant with experience in User Research, Social ResearchService Design, and Design Strategy. I'm currently collaborating with Ford to help expedite the transition to EVs, and also a co-founder at Studio Oto.

NHS Innovation Service: supporting innovation in healthcare

During the Public Beta phase, the service was made available to the public, and improvements were made based on usage analytics and insights from user research.

See case-study  →

Ford Telematics: creating a service around the needs of Fleet Drivers

A Vision Sprint was carried to generate ideas and create alignment among stakeholders. Additionally, a few areas for improvement were identified and a roadmap of features was produced based on user research.

See case-study  →

FutureLearn: designing a new subscription business model for online learning

FutureLearn wanted to change the way learners pay for some of its online courses. We were asked to research, ideate, and design a new solution that would consider the learner's needs and business requirements.

See case-study  →

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1. Discover & define

•  Stakeholder workshops to define goals, vision, and objectives.

•  Conduct research to understand the audience and identify needs.

•  Review existing data to gain insight and understand performance.

•  Undertake competitor reviews to understand the landscape.

2. Prototype & test

•  Create user journeys, process flows, and site maps.

•  Visualise ideas through low and high-fidelity sketches, mockups, and prototypes with real content.

•  Plan usability testing sessions to learn and evaluate.

•  Present work and collaborate with stakeholders to gain feedback.

3. Deliver & iterate

•  Create high-fidelity wireframes and designs.

•  Collaborate with visual designers, scrum teams, and developers.

•  Create style guides and specifications where required.

•  Refine and iterate based on real-time analytics and insights.

Illustrations from freepik.com